

Written by N. Cheung, Y. S. Pang & S. H. Cheung

Published by Martindale Press Ltd.

First Edition: April 2007

Second Edition: July 2020

ISBN 978-962-296-099-2

About the Book

The Second Edition of the Intensive Mathematics Series is written in accordance with the latest CDC Mathematics Education Key Learning Area Curriculum Guide (2017). Therefore, the book is suitable for Junior Secondary students enrolled in the academic year 2020-2021 and thereafter. 

The inclusion of real-life elements has made learning Mathematics more interesting for our readers. A huge effort was made to ensure the connection of Intensive Mathematics with the latest Primary Mathematics Curriculum and the Senior Secondary Mathematics Curriculum. As a new feature of this Edition, we have added exercises that closely resemble the type of questions found in the HKDSE Exam.


Written by Y. S. Pang, N. Cheung & S. H. Cheung

Published by Martindale Press Ltd.

First Edition: September 2009

Second Edition: July 2021

ISBN 978-962-296-101-2

About the Book

The Second Edition of the Intensive Mathematics Series is written in accordance with the latest CDC Mathematics Education Key Learning Area Curriculum Guide (2017). Therefore, the book is suitable for Junior Secondary students enrolled in the academic year 2020-2021 and thereafter. 

The inclusion of real-life elements has made learning Mathematics more interesting for our readers. A huge effort was made to ensure the connection of Intensive Mathematics with the latest Primary Mathematics Curriculum and the Senior Secondary Mathematics Curriculum. As a new feature of this Edition, we have added exercises that closely resemble the type of questions found in the HKDSE Exam.


Written by N. Cheung, Y. S. Pang & S. H. Cheung

Published by Martindale Press Ltd.

First Edition: September 2009

Second Edition: September 2022

ISBN 978-962-296-103-6

About the Book

The Second Edition of the Intensive Mathematics Series is written in accordance with the latest CDC Mathematics Education Key Learning Area Curriculum Guide (2017). Therefore, the book is suitable for Junior Secondary students enrolled in the academic year 2020-2021 and thereafter. 

The inclusion of real-life elements has made learning Mathematics more interesting for our readers. A huge effort was made to ensure the connection of Intensive Mathematics with the latest Primary Mathematics Curriculum and the Senior Secondary Mathematics Curriculum. As a new feature of this Edition, we have added exercises that closely resemble the type of questions found in the HKDSE Exam.




第一版:2005 年 6 月

第二版:2020 年 7 月

ISBN 978-962-296-100-5


《數學精髓》是根據香港課程發展議會最新頒佈的《數學教育學習領域課程指引(2017)》而編寫。本書內容糅合現實生活元素,令數學變得更有趣,在編寫第二版的過程中,編者們致力確保最新的小學數學課程和高中數學課程與本系列得以銜接,並加入了不少香港中學文憑試形式的題目。本書適用於 2020-2021 學年或之後入讀初中的同學。





第二版:2021 年 7 月

ISBN 978-962-296-102-9


《數學精髓》是根據香港課程發展議會最新頒佈的《數學教育學習領域課程指引(2017)》而編寫。本書內容糅合現實生活元素,令數學變得更有趣,在編寫第二版的過程中,編者們致力確保最新的小學數學課程和高中數學課程與本系列得以銜接,並加入了不少香港中學文憑試形式的題目。本書適用於 2020-2021 學年或之後入讀初中的同學。






ISBN 978-962-296-104-3


《數學精髓》是根據香港課程發展議會最新頒佈的《數學教育學習領域課程指引(2017)》而編寫。本書內容糅合現實生活元素,令數學變得更有趣,在編寫第二版的過程中,編者們致力確保最新的小學數學課程和高中數學課程與本系列得以銜接,並加入了不少香港中學文憑試形式的題目。本書適用於 2020-2021 學年或之後入讀初中的同學。



簡明數學 - 中一適用


第一版:2020 年 12 月 

ISBN 978-988-8438-08-2


本書的正文分三部分,第一部分是課程內容的精要及總結,第二部分是精選及漸進式的例子,第三部分是多樣化的習題。習題又分為三個層次,基礎問題、進階問題及挑戰題。當中的挑戰題是為數學能力强的同學而編寫,這在教科書上也是罕見的。同學可因應自己的能力去完成部分或全部的習題。而較難的例子或習題則標有 * 號識別。




簡明數學 - 中適用


第一版:2021 年 12 月 

ISBN 978-988-8438-11-2


本書的正文分三部分,第一部分是課程內容的精要及總結,第二部分是精選及漸進式的例子,第三部分是多樣化的習題。習題又分為三個層次,基礎問題、進階問題及挑戰題。當中的挑戰題是為數學能力强的同學而編寫,這在教科書上也是罕見的。同學可因應自己的能力去完成部分或全部的習題。而較難的例子或習題則標有 * 號識別。




簡明數學 - 中適用


第一版:20233 月 

ISBN 978-988-8438-15-0


本書的正文分三部分,第一部分是課程內容的精要及總結,第二部分是精選及漸進式的例子,第三部分是多樣化的習題。習題又分為三個層次,基礎問題、進階問題及挑戰題。當中的挑戰題是為數學能力强的同學而編寫,這在教科書上也是罕見的。同學可因應自己的能力去完成部分或全部的習題。而較難的例子或習題則標有 * 號識別。




Mathematics Made Simple Series

Mathematics Made Simple - Form 1

Written by Kazakh Wong

Translated by Wah-fung Wong

First Edition: February 2021

ISBN 978-988-8438-09-9

About the Book

Each chapter of this book consists of three parts. The first part is the essence and summary of the learning contents. The second part is featured and progress examples. The third part is exercises. Exercises are arranged in foundation questions, advanced questions, and challenging questions. Examples and questions that are more challenging are denoted with an asterisk sign (*).

A unit test is attached to each chapter. It is useful for students to review the chapter contents and to prepare for their school tests. Each test covers all the chapter contents and consists of two parts: multiple choices and conventional questions.

This book includes a Solutions or Instructions booklet. It gives supplementary materials to the main text, analyses and summarises certain examples. It also shows the detailed solutions to several selected questions. It provides a reference for students and give instructions for parents to guide their children.


Mathematics Made Simple - Form 2

Written by Kazakh Wong

Translated by Wah-fung Wong

First Edition: April 2022

ISBN 978-988-8438-12-9

About the Book

Each chapter of this book consists of three parts. The first part is the essence and summary of the learning contents. The second part is featured and progress examples. The third part is exercises. Exercises are arranged in foundation questions, advanced questions, and challenging questions. Examples and questions that are more challenging are denoted with an asterisk sign (*).

A unit test is attached to each chapter. It is useful for students to review the chapter contents and to prepare for their school tests. Each test covers all the chapter contents and consists of two parts: multiple choices and conventional questions.

This book includes a Solutions or Instructions booklet. It gives supplementary materials to the main text, analyses and summarises certain examples. It also shows the detailed solutions to several selected questions. It provides a reference for students and give instructions for parents to guide their children.


Mathematics Made Simple - Form 3

Written by Kazakh Wong

Translated by Wah-fung Wong

First Edition: July 2023

ISBN 978-988-8438-16-7

About the Book

Each chapter of this book consists of three parts. The first part is the essence and summary of the learning contents. The second part is featured and progress examples. The third part is exercises. Exercises are arranged in foundation questions, advanced questions, and challenging questions. Examples and questions that are more challenging are denoted with an asterisk sign (*).

A unit test is attached to each chapter. It is useful for students to review the chapter contents and to prepare for their school tests. Each test covers all the chapter contents and consists of two parts: multiple choices and conventional questions.

This book includes a Solutions or Instructions booklet. It gives supplementary materials to the main text, analyses and summarises certain examples. It also shows the detailed solutions to several selected questions. It provides a reference for students and give instructions for parents to guide their children.



香港中學文憑 數學一本通 (第二版)



第一版:2015 年 1 月

第二版:2025 1

ISBN 978-962-296-109-8


本書既名為「數學一本通」,顧名思義本書包羅廣闊,由 DSE 數學考試注意事項 (包括評分及評級標準,題目分佈,文憑試新趨勢,考生弱點及錯誤,試前及考試時的準備工作及策略),全面的複習提綱,五個精選的模擬試題,詳盡的題解及題目分析,而至示例及評語,公式表等,應有盡有。本書既完備又不繁鎖,是學生準備 DSE 數學考試必讀的參考書。希望同學依照本書的次序進行複習,成績能有所提升。






Mathematics All-in-One

HKDSE Mathematics All-in-One

Written by Kazakh Wong

Translated by W. F. Wong

Published by Martindale Press Ltd.

First Edition: January 2015

ISBN 978-962-296-091-6

About the Book

As this book is named Mathematics All-in-One, it covers broadly, from DSE Mathematics examination points for attention (including marking scheme and grading standard, distribution of questions, recent trends of DSE questions, candidates’ common weakness and mistakes, and preparative tasks and strategies before and during the examination), a comprehensive revision outline, five superb mock examination papers, detailed solutions and question analysis, to examples and remarks on them, formulae tables, etc. Being complete and yet not tedious, this book can be claimed as, without exaggeration, the best reference book for students to prepare for DSE Mathematics examination. If students conduct the revision by following the arrangement of this book, they would be assured to have their results improved.


Points for Attention for Examination

Review Outline

Mock Examinations
