

HKDSE Economics in 24 Hours

Economics in 24 Hours - Book 1 (Revised Ed.)

Written by Cyrus Wong

First Edition: October 2011

Revised Edition: September 2015

ISBN 978-962-7326-89-2

About the Book

Economics in 24 Hours is written as a guide for preparation of HKDSE Economics examination and strictly follows the latest NSS Economics Syllabus. This book includes all essential notes for revision and points out common misconceptions of students. It also provides numerous examples to illustrate how Economics concepts can be applied in the public examination. The suggested answers provide clues to how answers will be marked in the public examination. All these aim at helping students prepare for the public examination in a short period of time.


Topic 1 Basic Economic Concepts

  1. Scarcity, Choice and Opportunity Cost

  2. Opportunity Cost

  3. The Three Basic Economic Problems

  4. The Circular Flow Model

Topic 2 Firms and Production

  1. Production and Division of Labour

  2. Factors of Production

  3. Forms of Business Ownership

  4. Production in Short Run and Long Run

  5. Expansion and Integration of Firms

  6. Objectives of Firms

Topic 3 Demand, Supply and Equilibrium Price

  1. Quantity Demanded vs Demand

  2. Money Price, Relative Price and the Law of Demand

  3. Quantity Supplied vs Supply

  4. The Law of Supply

  5. Equilibrium and Disequilibrium

  6. Changes in Quantity Demanded vs Change in Demand

  7. Factors Affecting Demand

  8. Changes in Quantity Supplied vs Change in Supply

  9. Factors Affecting Supply

  10. Change in Demand OR/AND Change in Supply

  11. Marginal Benefit and Consumer Surplus

  12. Marginal Cost and Producer Surplus

  13. Consumer Surplus, Producer Surplus and the Equilibrium

  14. Changes in Demand and Supply Affecting Consumer Surplus, Producer Surplus and Total Social Surplus

  15. Meaning and Measurement of Price Elasticity of Demand

  16. Types of Price Elasticity of Demand

  17. Price Elasticity of Demand along a Demand Curve

  18. Factors Affecting the Price Elasticity of Demand

  19. Meaning and Measurement of Price Elasticity of Supply

  20. Types of Price Elasticity of Supply

  21. Factors Affecting the Price Elasticity of Supply

  22. Price Ceiling (Maximum Price Control)

  23. Price Floor (Minimum Price Control)

  24. Quota

  25. Effects of Imposition Effective Price Ceiling, Price Floor and Quota

  26. Per unit Sales Tax

  27. Per unit Subsidy

Topic 4 Competition and Market Structure

  1. Meaning of Market

  2. Classification of Market Structure

  3. Competition and Market Structure

  4. Comparison of Different Types of Market Structure

  5. Perfect Competition

  6. Monopolistic Competition

  7. Oligopoly

  8. Monopoly

Topic 5 Efficiency, Equity and the Role of Government

  1. Conditions for Efficiency

  2. Deviations from Efficiency Resulting from Government Intervention

  3. Divergence between Private and Social Costs [Negative Externalities]

  4. Divergence between Private and Social Benefits [Positive Externalities]

  5. Solutions to the Problem of Externalities

  6. Measurement of Income Inequality

  7. Sources of Income Inequality

  8. Policy Concerns

Topic 6 Monopoly Pricing, Anti-competitive Behaviours and Competition Policy

  1. Simple Monopoly Pricing

  2. Price Discrimination

  3. Anti-competitive Behaviours and Competition Policy

Economics in 24 Hours - Book 2 (Revised Ed.)

Written by Cyrus Wong

First Edition: November 2011

Revised Edition: October 2015

ISBN 978-962-7326-92-2

About the Book

Economics in 24 Hours is written as a guide for preparation of HKDSE Economics examination and strictly follows the latest NSS Economics Syllabus. This book includes all essential notes for revision and points out common misconceptions of students. It also provides numerous examples to illustrate how Economics concepts can be applied in the public examination. The suggested answers provide clues to how answers will be marked in the public examination. All these aim at helping students prepare for the public examination in a short period of time.


Topic 7 Measurement of Economic Performance – National Income

  1. Definition of GDP and GNP

  2. Items Excluded in Calculating National Income

  3. Three Approaches in National Income Accounting

  4. Output (Value-added) Approach

  5. Expenditure Approach

  6. Summary of National Income Accounting

  7. Nominal (Money) GDP vs Real GDP

  8. Limitations of GDP Statistics in Measuring Living Standard

Topic 8 National Income Determination: AD-AS Model

  1. Aggregate Demand [AD]

  2. Aggregate Supply [AS]

  3. Determining the Equilibrium Output and Price Level Using AS-AD Model

Topic 9 Money and Banking

  1. Functions, Properties of Money and the Banking System

  2. Money Supply, Deposit Creation and Contraction

  3. Money Demand and Determination of Interest Rate

Topic 10 Macroeconomics Problems and Policies

  1. Inflation, Deflation and Quantity Theory of Money

  2. Unemployment and Business Cycle

  3. Public Finance and Fiscal Policy

  4. Monetary Policy

Topic 11 International Trade and Finance

  1. Theories of International Trade

  2. Barriers of International Trade

  3. Exchange Rates System

  4. Balance of Payments Account

Topic 12 Extension of Trade Theory, Economic Growth and Development

  1. Extension of Trade Theory

  2. Economic Growth and Development

香港中學文憑 24 小時經濟學解讀

24 小時經濟學解讀 - 第一冊 (修訂版)

作者:Cyrus Wong

第一版:2011 年 10 月

修訂版:2015 年 10 月

ISBN 978-962-7326-94-6


《香港中學文憑 24 小時經濟學解讀》是按照教育局最新之《經濟課程及評估指引》, 專誠為同學應付經濟科考試而編寫的。本書旨在幫助同學在最短時間內準備迎戰公開考試。書內筆記均包含温習經濟科時所有必備之要點, 並指出同學在理解經濟科概念時常犯的錯誤。本書還提供大量範例以闡明如何在公開考試中利用經濟學之概念解答題目, 而每題範例均附上參考答案以供同學了解在公開考試中如何取得高分。


單元一 經濟學基礎概念

  1. 稀少性, 選擇和機會成本

  2. 機會成本

  3. 三個資源分配問題

  4. 循環流程模型

單元二 廠商與生產

  1. 生產及分工

  2. 生產要素

  3. 商業擁有權的形式

  4. 短期及長期的生產

  5. 廠商的擴張及合併

  6. 廠商的目標

單元三 需求,供給及價格

  1. 需求量與需求

  2. 名義價格、相對價格及需求定律

  3. 供給量與供給

  4. 供給定律

  5. 均衡與不均衡

  6. 需求量改變與需求改變

  7. 影響需求的因素

  8. 供給量改變與供給改變

  9. 影響供給的因素

  10. 需求的改變或/及供給的改變

  11. 邊際利益與消費者盈餘

  12. 邊際成本與生產者盈餘

  13. 消費者盈餘、生產者盈餘與均衡點

  14. 需求及供給的改變對消費者盈餘 (CS)、生產者盈餘 (PS) 和總社會盈餘 (TSS) 的影響

  15. 價格需求彈性的定義及計算

  16. 需求價格彈性的種類

  17. 在同一條需求曲線上的價格需求彈性

  18. 影響價格需求彈性的因素

  19. 價格供給彈性的定義及計算

  20. 供給價格彈性的種類

  21. 影響價格供給彈性的因素

  22. 價格上限

  23. 價格下限

  24. 配額

  25. 實施價格上限、價格下限和配額的影響

  26. 從量銷售稅

  27. 從量津貼

單元四 競爭及市場結構

  1. 市場的定義

  2. 市場結構的分類

  3. 競爭與市場結構

  4. 不同市場結構的比較

  5. 完全競爭

  6. 壟斷性競爭

  7. 寡頭壟斷

  8. 壟斷

單元五 效率、公平及政府角色

  1. 達至效率的條件

  2. 效率受到政府干預的影響

  3. 私人成本與界外成本的分歧「負界外影響問題」

  4. 私人利益與界外利益的分歧「正界外影響問題」

  5. 解決界外問題的方法

  6. 量度收入不均

  7. 收入不均的原因

  8. 政策的考慮

單元六 壟斷定價,反競爭行為及競爭政策

  1. 簡單壟斷定價

  2. 價格分歧

  3. 反競爭行為及競爭政策

24 小時經濟學解讀 - 第二冊 (修訂版)

作者:Cyrus Wong

第一版:2011 年 11 月

修訂版:2015 年 10 月

ISBN 978-962-7326-95-3


《香港中學文憑 24 小時經濟學解讀》是按照教育局最新之《經濟課程及評估指引》, 專誠為同學應付經濟科考試而編寫的。本書旨在幫助同學在最短時間內準備迎戰公開考試。書內筆記均包含温習經濟科時所有必備之要點, 並指出同學在理解經濟科概念時常犯的錯誤。本書還提供大量範例以闡明如何在公開考試中利用經濟學之概念解答題目, 而每題範例均附上參考答案以供同學了解在公開考試中如何取得高分。


單元七 經濟表現的量度:國民收入

  1. 本地生產總值與本地居民生產總值的定義

  2. 不會計算在國民收入內的項目

  3. 計算國民所得的三個方法

  4. 生產面(增值)計算法

  5. 開支面計算法

  6. 國民收入計算的概覽

  7. 名義本地生產總值與實質本地生產總值

  8. 本地居民生產總值數據量度生活水平的局限

單元八 國民收入決定:總需求模型

  1. 總需求 [AD]

  2. 總供應[AS]

  3. 以總需求 – 總供應模型決定均衡產出和物價水平

單元九 貨幣與銀行

  1. 貨幣的功能、特質及銀行體系

  2. 貨幣供應、存款創造及收縮

  3. 貨幣需求及利率的決定

單元十 宏觀經濟問題和政策

  1. 通脹、通縮及貨幣數量論

  2. 失業與經濟周期

  3. 公共財政及財政政策

  4. 貨幣政策

單元十一 國際貿易和金融

  1. 貿易理論

  2. 貿易障礙

  3. 滙率制度

  4. 國際收支平衡

單元十二 貿易理論之延伸、經濟增長及發展

  1. 貿易理論之延伸

  2. 經濟增長及發展

Test Papers Series for HKDSE

Premium Economics Test Papers for HKDSE

Written by Cyrus Wong & Sally Yip

Published by Martindale Press Ltd.

First Edition: October 2012

ISBN 978-962-296-081-7

About the Book

This exercise book provides a lot of up-to-date sample questions to illustrate how economics concepts can be applied in public examination. The suggested answers provide clues to how answers will be marked in public examination. Practice make perfect! Students will be able to present their answers with concise language and score every point in the exam questions after doing this exercise book. Getting 5** in the public examination is not a game of life and death, but this is our ultimate goal!


Mock Practices

  1. Mock Practice 1

  2. Mock Practice 2

  3. Mock Practice 3

  4. Mock Practice 4

  5. Mock Practice 5

  6. Mock Practice 6

  7. Mock Practice 7

  8. Mock Practice 8

  9. Mock Practice 9

  10. Mock Practice 10

Suggested Answers

  1. Mock Practice 1

  2. Mock Practice 2

  3. Mock Practice 3

  4. Mock Practice 4

  5. Mock Practice 5

  6. Mock Practice 6

  7. Mock Practice 7

  8. Mock Practice 8

  9. Mock Practice 9

  10. Mock Practice 10